Do you want to know how to teach children colours and shapes properly? We'll show you how to do it. We have five fun activities for you

Teaching children colours and shapes is a challenging but fun process that various activities and games can support. Children are naturally curious and open to new information. Some may learn colours and shapes more quickly, while others may take longer. It all depends on their individual abilities. During this learning process, Lerni’s Smart Eggs binding eggs can also be helpful.
It's important to realise that children learn at their own pace. Some may learn colours sooner, while others may need more time and repetition. However, what's important is for parents to be patient, support them, and create a fun and stimulating learning environment for them."
How to teach colors?
Start with two or three colours: Focus on two or three primary colours. Once the child masters them, you can introduce more. For example, start by teaching the child red and green. Whenever you see something in these colours, point it out to them.
Use associations with familiar objects: If a young child has trouble naming colours, try associating them with ordinary things. Green can be like grass, yellow like the sun, and red, for instance, like strawberries. This way, colours will be linked to things they already know, making it easier for them to remember. It also reduces the risk of confusing primary colours.
Describe colours around you: Describe the colours you see around you. Ask the child during a walk what colour a flower on the ground is or what colour a ball on the playground is. It helps children learn to name colours in the real world.
Distinguish contrasting colours: When teaching, use different colours so the child understands. Try teaching contrasting colours together, such as red-green, blue-yellow, or purple-green.
How to teach shapes?
Look for shapes in everyday life: Search for forms in everyday life. Show children various objects and help them identify basic shapes like circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles. You can point out a circle, for example, on a clock and a triangle on road signs.
Use visual aids like pictures, books, or toys:** Explore different shapes with children using visual aids like pictures, books, or toys. Continuously repeat the names of figures as you go along.
Play games involving shape recognition and sorting: Play games that involve recognising and sorting shapes. Ask the child to find objects in the room that are circular or those that have a square shape, for example.
Make it easier with Smart Eggs connecting eggs!
Would you like an educational toy for your child to learn colours, shapes, numbers, fruits, vegetables, and vehicles? Smart Eggs can do it all! They never break, their shells are sturdy, and there are exciting shapes that need to be connected inside. Thanks to these fun activities, children can acquire new knowledge.
Play memory - look for eggs with the same shapes. Younger children can start by matching colours first, making it easier to find matching shapes later. While connecting, they will also train their memory, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination.
Start sorting - when the child opens an egg, they discover a colour to which they need to add other items - they can search among toys, crayons, or other things they find at home. Sorting games recognise attributes such as colours, shapes, or patterns.
Make impressions - you can use clay or other modelling materials for this activity. Tell the child which shape to find in the egg and then imprint it into the clay. If the child has trouble finding shapes, you can guide them by telling them which colour to look for.
Visual aids - Smart Eggs can also be used as visual aids to help children connect colours with specific objects - when they open an egg with a yellow colour, they can associate it with the sun. The same goes for learning about fruits, vegetables, numbers, or vehicles. Visual aids make it easier for children to acquire new knowledge.
Explore the world around you - with Smart Eggs, children can quickly discover new vehicles, fruits, vegetables, numbers, and more. Name the shapes found in the eggs and talk about them. Where can they be found? Have we seen them before?
Teach children in a fun and interactive way!
Whether you want to teach your children colours, shapes, fruits, or vegetables, do it entertainingly. Involve them in activities and games that are visually appealing and hands-on. This way, they can grasp colours and shapes more quickly and effectively. Remember to be patient and support them throughout this learning process.